
The purpose of this article is to compare crime statistics between Texas LTC (License to Carry) holders and non-LTC holders for incidents of IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING W/OUT CONSENT in 2016. IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING W/OUT CONSENT is defined as any instance in which a person records another person with their camera or other device without that person’s consent. It is important to compare crime statistics between LTC and non-LTC holders to determine any potential correlation between the two groups and crimes of this nature.

Crime Statistics Among Texas LTC Holders

In 2016, there were 0 convictions associated with IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING W/OUT CONSENT among LTC holders in Texas. This statistic is compared to 3 convictions among non-LTC holders in Texas for the same type of offense.

Factors That May Contribute to the Difference in Crime Statistics Between Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders

There are several factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders. These factors include, but are not limited to, background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC, training and education for LTC holders, and the perceived risk and responsibility among LTC holders.


In conclusion, it appears that Texas LTC holders are less likely to commit a crime of IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING W/OUT CONSENT than non-LTC holders. This finding has important implications for law enforcement and public safety, as it suggests that LTC holders are, on the whole, more law abiding citizens. The availability of LTCs in the state of Texas should be carefully considered when determining public safety policies.

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