2016 LTC/Non-LTC Convictions: SEXUAL ASSLT CHILD


The purpose of this article is to compare crime statistics between Texas LTC (License To Carry) holders and non-LTC holders for SEXUAL ASSLT CHILD in the year 2016. SEXUAL ASSLT CHILD, in this case, is the category of offenses described as the “offense of rape or sexual assault of a child under the age of 14” (Texas Penal Code, Section 22.011). It is important to study the relationship between LTC holders and crime statistics to gain an understanding of the impact of gun control laws on public safety.

Crime Statistics Among Texas LTC Holders

Crime statistics in Texas for SEXUAL ASSLT CHILD in 2016 show that 15 convictions were recorded among Texas LTC holders, while 665 convictions were recorded among non-LTC holders. This means that Texas LTC holders were 2.2% of all convictions for SEXUAL ASSLT CHILD in Texas in 2016, while non-LTC holders were 97.8%.

Factors That May Contribute to the Difference in Crime Statistics Between Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders

There are several factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders. First, obtaining an LTC requires stringent background checks and eligibility requirements. This means that there is likely to be a smaller population of people at risk of committing a crime among LTC holders than among non-LTC holders. Second, LTC holders are required to attend a training course and take an educational course before obtaining an LTC, which can help to ensure that they are aware of relevant laws regarding firearms and their proper usage. Finally, LTC holders may have a higher perception of risk and responsibility when carrying a gun, as they have taken the time and effort to obtain the license and are expected to adhere to the associated rules and regulations.


In conclusion, Texas LTC holders are statistically less likely to commit a crime than non-LTC holders, specifically when it comes to SEXUAL ASSLT CHILD. This is likely due to background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC, training and educational courses for LTC holders, and a higher perception of risk and responsibility among LTC holders. The findings of this study have important implications for the group with the higher percentage of convictions for SEXUAL ASSLT CHILD, as it suggests that further background checks and educational and training requirements may be necessary to reduce the number of offenses in the future.

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