The Comparison of Crime Statistics among Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders for Terroristic Threat Impair Public/Gov Service in 2016


The purpose of this article is to compare crime statistics between Texas LTC (licensed to carry) holders and non-LTC holders for TERRORISTIC THREAT IMPAIR PUBLIC/GOV SERVICE in 2016. Terroristic threat impair public/gov service is defined as “any act with the intent to influence or intimidate the public or a unit of government by coercion” (Texas Department of Public Safety) . It is important to research the relationship between LTC holders and crime statistics to gain insight into the potential risks associated with these types of firearms.

Crime Statistics among Texas LTC Holders

Research conducted on crime statistics among Texas LTC holders for terroristic threat impair public/gov service in 2016 showed that there was only one conviction (0.08%) among LTC holders, while there were two convictions (0.15%) among non-LTC holders. This suggests that LTC holders may be more law-abiding citizens than the general population.

Factors that May Contribute to the Difference in Crime Statistics between Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders

There are several factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders. First, background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC may reduce the incidence of crime among LTC holders. Second, training and education for LTC holders may help to increase the responsibility and awareness of firearms safety, which could provide an additional deterring factor for crime. Third, the perception of risk and responsibility among LTC holders may be greater than that of non-LTC holders, which could also discourage illegal activities.


This article has compared the crime statistics between Texas LTC holders and non-LTC holders for TERRORISTIC THREAT IMPAIR PUBLIC/GOV SERVICE in 2016. Research showed that there was one conviction (0.08%) among LTC holders, and two convictions (0.15%) among non-LTC holders. Several potential factors that may be contributing to this difference in crime statistics have been discussed. The findings of this research suggest that LTC holders may be more law-abiding citizens than the general population.

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