Comparing Crime Statistics Between Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders in 2017

The purpose of this article is to compare crime statistics between Texas License to Carry (LTC) holders and non-LTC holders for Capital Murder by Terror Threat/Other Felon in 2017. Capital Murder by Terror Threat/Other Felon, as defined by the Texas Penal Code, is a class 1 felony offense with a penalty of life imprisonment or death. It is important to study the relationship between LTC holders and crime statistics in order to ensure public safety and for responsible gun ownership.

Crime statistics among Texas LTC holders

The Texas Department of Public Safety reported that, of the 2,591,171 active LTCs in the state in 2017, there were two convictions for Capital Murder by Terror Threat/Other Felon. This is a 0.00077% conviction rate. In comparison, there were 44 convictions for Capital Murder by Terror Threat/Other Felon among the non-LTC holders in the state for the same year, which is a 0.00476% conviction rate. This shows that Texas LTC holders are much less likely to commit a crime of this nature than non-LTC holders.

Factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders

Several factors may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders. One such factor may be the background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC. According to Texas law, applicants must pass a background check and demonstrate proficiency in the use of a handgun before being approved for an LTC. This allows for more responsible gun ownership in the state.

In addition, LTC holders must participate in mandatory training and education in order to maintain their license. This education includes safety training and information on the use of deadly force. By educating LTC holders, it helps to ensure that they are aware of the laws concerning the use of firearms and the potential risks associated with their use. This may help to reduce the likelihood of criminal activity.

Finally, LTC holders may be more aware of their responsibility as gun owners due to their license and the training they have received. This may lead to a greater sense of risk of being arrested if they commit a crime, which may act as a deterrent to illegal activity.


This article has examined the differences in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for Capital Murder by Terror Threat/Other Felon in 2017. The results showed that LTC holders are much less likely to commit a crime of this nature than non-LTC holders, with a 0.00077% conviction rate compared to a 0.00476% conviction rate for non-LTC holders. This can be attributed to the background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC, the mandatory training and education for LTC holders, and the perception of risk and responsibility among LTC holders.

The findings of this article have important implications for LTC holders. This study indicates that LTC holders are likely to be law-abiding citizens and that they take their responsibility seriously. This information can be used to promote responsible gun ownership and to ensure public safety.

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