
This article examines the crime rates among Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING W/OUT CONSE for the calendar year 2017. This article will discuss the background, review the crime statistics, explore potential factors that may explain the differences in crime rates between the two groups, and discuss the implications of the findings.

Crime Statistics among Texas LTC Holders

According to the 2017 crime figures, 1 out of every 100,000 Texas LTC holders was convicted of IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING W/OUT CONSE, while 7 out of every 100,000 non-LTC holders were convicted of the same crime. This means that the crime rate among LTC holders for this crime is 1%, while the rate for non-LTC holders is 7%.

Factors that may Contribute to the Difference in Crime Statistics between Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders

There are a few possible contributing factors to the lower crime rates amonghold Texas LTC holders compared to non-LTC holders. First, those who obtain an LTC are required to pass a stringent background check and meet strict eligibility requirements. This could lead to LTC holders being more law-abiding citizens than non-LTC holders. Second, LTC holders are required to receive training and education in gun safety and proper firearm usage. This could lead to increased awareness and respect for firearms and the laws that regulate them. Finally, LTC holders may perceive a higher risk of consequence for breaking the law compared to non-LTC holders, leading to more cautious and responsible behavior.


This article examined the difference in crime rates for IMPROPER PHOTO/VISUAL RECORDING W/OUT CONSE between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for the year 2017. Results showed that the crime rate among LTC holders was 1%, while the rate among non-LTC holders was 7%. Potential contributing factors to the difference in rates include background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC, training and education provided to LTC holders, and the perceived risk and responsibility among LTC holders. Ultimately, these findings suggest that LTC holders are more likely to be law-abiding citizens than non-LTC holders.

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