2018 LTC/Non-LTC Convictions: DEADLY CONDUCT


The purpose of this article is to compare crime statistics between Texas LTC holders and non-LTC holders for Deadly Conduct for the year 2018. This is an important topic to study to gain insight into if legally possessed firearms are more likely to be related to criminal activity.

Crime Statistics among Texas LTC Holders

According to the Texas Department of Public Safety, in 2018 there were 17 convictions among Texas LTC holders for Deadly Conduct while there were 726 convictions of non-LTC holders for the same offense. This means that Texas LTC holders are 2.2% more likely to commit Deadly Conduct, while non-LTC holders are 97.8% more likely to commit this offense.

Factors that May Contribute to the Difference in Crime Statistics Between Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders

The difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders may be attributed to a few factors. The first is the extensive background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC in Texas. This means that those who have been approved to have an LTC have already gone through a rigorous process to prove they are meant to be responsible gun owners. The second is the training and education required for Texas LTC holders. This ensures that those with an LTC are educated on the proper use and storage of firearms, as well as the legal ramifications of their actions. The third is that LTC holders may perceive a higher risk and responsibility associated with their firearms and thus, be more likely to abide by the law.


This article discussed the comparison of crime statistics between Texas LTC holders and non-LTC holders for Deadly Conduct for 2018. The findings show that Texas LTC holders are 2.2% more likely to commit Deadly Conduct than non-LTC holders, who are 97.8% more likely. This difference may be attributed to the background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC, the training and education for those with an LTC, as well as the perception of risk and responsibility among LTC holders. The implications of these findings are that Texas LTC holders are generally law-abiding citizens, and that the background checks, eligibility requirements, and training and education requirements are effective at deterring illegal activity.

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