
The purpose of this article is to compare crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for UNL CARRYING WEAPON PROHIBITED PLACES for 2018. UNL CARRYING WEAPON PROHIBITED PLACES refer to areas where the carrying of weapons is prohibited, such as churches, schools, courthouses and hospitals. It is important to study the relationship between LTC holders and crime statistics because it can help inform public policy decisions and ensure that individuals are able to exercise their right to bear arms responsibly.

Crime statistics among Texas LTC holders

In 2018, there were no convictions for UNL CARRYING WEAPON PROHIBITED PLACES among Texas LTC holders, compared to 113 convictions among non-LTC holders. This shows that Texas LTC holders are less likely to commit a crime than non-LTC holders when it comes to UNL CARRYING WEAPON PROHIBITED PLACES.

Factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders

There are several factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders. First, background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC are more stringent than for non-LTC holders, helping to ensure that those with a LTC are less likely to commit a crime. Second, LTC holders are required to receive training and education which helps them to be more aware of relevant laws and to exercise their right to bear arms responsibly. Finally, LTC holders are likely more aware of the risk and are likely more likely to take responsibility for their actions than non-LTC holders.


This article has compared crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for UNL CARRYING WEAPON PROHIBITED PLACES for 2018. The data shows that Texas LTC holders are less likely to commit a crime than non-LTC holders, with 0% of LTC holders convicted of a crime compared to 100% of non-LTC holders. Possible explanations include the more stringent background checks and eligibility requirements, the required training and education, and the awareness of risk and responsibility among LTC holders. These findings can help inform public policy decisions and ensure that individuals are able to exercise their right to bear arms responsibly.

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