
The purpose of this article is to compare crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for Aggravated Kidnapping Facilitate in 2019. Aggravated Kidnapping Facilitate is defined as unlawfully obtaining or attempting to obtain a person and restraining that person to facilitate a felony offense or flight from the scene of a felony. A comparison of crime statistics is important to understand the relationship between LTC holders and crime.

Crime Statistics among Texas LTC Holders

The crime statistics for Aggravated Kidnapping Facilitate among Texas LTC holders for 2019 is 0 convictions, compared to 1 convictions among non-LTC holders for the same offense. This indicates that LTC holders are less likely to be involved in crime than non-LTC holders, as indicated by a 0% to 100% difference in crime rates.

Factors that May Contribute to the Difference in Crime Statistics Between Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders

The difference between LTC and non-LTC holders in Aggravated Kidnapping Facilitate crime rates may be attributed to several factors. Background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC are more stringent than those for non-LTC holders. Additionally, LTC holders are required to participate in training and education on the use of firearms and the laws regarding their use. This may lead to a greater perception of the risk and responsibility associated with carrying a firearm, which may make LTC holders more mindful of the laws and less likely to commit a crime.


This article compared the crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for Aggravated Kidnapping Facilitate in 2019. It found that LTC holders were much less likely to be involved in this type of crime, with 0 convictions compared to 1 conviction among non-LTC holders. Factors that may contribute to this difference include background checks and eligibility requirements, training and education, and perception of risk and responsibility associated with carrying a firearm. The findings of this research suggest that LTC holders may be more law-abiding citizens than non-LTC holders.

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