
The purpose of this article is to compare crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for ASSAULT INT/RECK BREATH/CIRC FAM MEM PREV IAT for 2019. ASSAULT INT/RECK BREATH/CIRC FAM MEM PREV IAT are criminal or delinquent offenses related to the intentional threats or use of force against another person, or recklessly affecting the health and safety of another person through the circulation of air or a body part or other family members. It is important to study the relationship between LTC holders and crime statistics to identify possible factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders.

Crime Statistics among Texas LTC Holders

Crime statistics for ASSAULT INT/RECK BREATH/CIRC FAM MEM PREV IAT among Texas LTC holders show 0 convictions whereas there were 166 convictions among non-LTC holders. Thus, LTC holders are 0% likely to commit this type of crime compared to 100% of non-LTC holders.

Factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders

The difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders may be attributed to several factors. Background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC may lead to LTC holders being more law abiding citizens than non-LTC holders. In addition, LTC holders are required to undergo training and education. This may lead to them being more aware of the risks associated with firearms and their responsibility to act accordingly. Additionally, there may be a perception among LTC holders of increased risk and responsibility associated with possessing a firearm, leading to a higher degree of crime prevention.


This article examined the differences in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for ASSAULT INT/RECK BREATH/CIRC FAM MEM PREV IAT in 2019. Crime statistics among Texas LTC holders show 0 convictions, whereas there were 166 convictions among non-LTC holders. This suggests that LTC holders are less likely to commit this type of crime than non-LTC holders. Factors that may contribute to this include background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC, training and education for LTC holders, and perception of risk and responsibility among LTC holders. These findings have important implications for LTC holders and reflect the effectiveness of background checks and training in promoting safe and responsible gun ownership.

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