
The purpose of this article is to compare the crime statistics of Texas LTC and non-LTC holders in regards to Aggravated Kidnapping, Terrorism, and Terrorizing for 2021. Aggravated Kidnapping, Terrorism, and Terrorizing are defined as the kidnapping or abduction of a person with the intent to terrorize or inflict bodily injury on the victim or person related to the victim. It is important to study the relationship between LTC holders and crime statistics in order to determine whether or not vetting processes are sufficient for obtaining an LTC in Texas.

Crime Statistics Among Texas LTC Holders

The crime statistics among Texas LTC holders for Aggravated Kidnapping, Terrorism, and Terrorizing in 2021 are 0 convictions. The crime statistics among non-LTC holders for the same offense in 2021 are 13 convictions. This shows that LTC holders are 0% more likely to be convicted of Aggravated Kidnapping, Terrorism, and Terrorizing than non-LTC holders, which means that LTC holders are more likely to be law abiding citizens than non-LTC holders.

Factors That May Contribute to the Difference in Crime Statistics Between Texas LTC and Non-LTC Holders

There are several factors that may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders. First, background checks and eligibility requirements for obtaining an LTC are more rigorous than for non-LTC holders. Additionally, LTC holders are required to undergo training and education, which may lead to a greater perception of risk and responsibility. Finally, LTC holders may also be more likely to follow the law due to the deterrent effect of punishments for violations.


In conclusion, this article examined the crime statistics among Texas LTC and non-LTC holders for Aggravated Kidnapping, Terrorism, and Terrorizing in 2021. The data showed that LTC holders were 0% more likely to be convicted of Aggravated Kidnapping, Terrorism, and Terrorizing than non-LTC holders. Several factors may contribute to the difference in crime statistics between Texas LTC and non-LTC holders, including background checks, eligibility requirements, training, and education, as well as a greater perception of risk and responsibility among LTC holders. The findings of this article suggest that existing vetting processes and training requirements for obtaining an LTC in Texas are sufficient and effective at producing law abiding citizens.

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