LTC (License To Carry), formerly CHL (Concealed Handgun License), is the concealed and open carry permit for the Lone Star State. The Texas Department of Public Safety currently requires a minimum of 4 to 6 hours not including range time. You can take the LTC class at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home - or wherever you have time to attend.
Learn More about the online License to Carry class. Enroll in an online License to Carry class Today!
Our firearms training service is designed to help you achieve success in obtaining your Texas LTC. We offer a variety of training options, including classroom instruction, hands-on shooting range practice, and personalized coaching to help you improve your skills. Our curriculum covers all aspects of firearms training, including gun safety, handling, and proficiency, as well as concealed carry laws and regulations in Texas. With our expert instructors and comprehensive curriculum, you can be confident that you'll receive the training you need to pass the Texas LTC proficiency test and legally carry a concealed handgun. Sign up for our firearms training service today to take the first step towards obtaining your Texas License to Carry.
As a concealed carry permit holder, it's essential to stay proficient in your skills to ensure you're prepared for any situation that may arise. Ken Hackathorn's basic training CCW skills drills are designed to help you develop and maintain your shooting fundamentals, as well as improve your overall self-defense capabilities.
Read more: CCW Skills Drills: Basic Training - Ken Hackathorn
The article outlines a 30-round self-defense practice drill developed by Ken Hackathorn, which focuses on teaching individuals the finer points of armed self-defense using a semi-auto pistol (or wheel gun with modifications). The drill involves various scenarios and shooting positions to simulate real-world situations.
Read more: Self-Defense Practice Drill: 30-Round by Ken Hackathorn
As we dive into the world of concealed carry handguns, it's essential to understand what makes a great firearm for self-defense scenarios. After researching and analyzing various models, we've narrowed down our top picks to six exceptional concealed carry handguns that excel in reliability, ergonomics, and performance.
Choosing the right firearm for concealed carry is crucial for both self-defense and personal comfort. While many individuals invest heavily in high-end, expensive, or heavily modified pistols, there are significant reasons to consider a reliable but more affordable firearm instead. Let's explore the drawbacks of carrying an expensive or customized pistol and argue that a practical, cost-effective option may be better for most concealed carriers.
The phrase "Slow is smooth and smooth is fast," a mantra originating from the elite Navy SEALs, holds profound wisdom for various aspects of training and performance. While it may seem counterintuitive at first, this principle emphasizes the importance of precision, deliberate actions, and the mastery of fundamentals. This article explores the origins, applications, and benefits of adopting this approach in training, with a particular focus on its relevance to firearms training and other high-stakes scenarios.
Read more: Training for Success: Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast
In 2021, Texas joined several other states in enacting "constitutional carry" legislation, also known as "permitless carry." This significant change allows eligible Texans to carry a handgun without a License to Carry (LTC). However, despite the convenience of constitutional carry, there are numerous benefits to obtaining an LTC. This article will explore the distinctions between constitutional carry and the LTC, helping Texans make informed decisions about their firearm carrying options.
Read more: Permitless Carry in Texas: LTC vs Constitutional Carry
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We are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive and engaging License to Carry course, designed to help you feel confident, knowledgeable, and prepared for responsible concealed carry. Please take a moment to review our frequently asked questions below, which address many common concerns and inquiries about the carry license. Remember, we are here to support you every step of the way on your journey towards a safe and secure licensed carry.