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Term Definition
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The flash of visible light created by firing a round through the barrel caused by the combustion of the gunpowder mixing with the air.

Muzzle Velocity
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is any firearm, pistol or long gun, which the projectile and usually the propellant charge is loaded from the muzzle of the gun.

Muzzle Flash
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An attachment to the barrel that redirects some of the pressurized gas propellent that fired the bullet out of the muzzle to the sides and possibly rearwards from the direction of the bullet, reducing the recoil of the firearm.

Muzzle Energy
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The kinetic energy in foot-pounds of the bullet as it leaves the muzzle – the faster and heavier the bullet = higher energy.

Muzzle Control
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This is the open end of the barrel where the bullet or other projectile exits the gun.

Muzzle Brake
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Awareness and responsibility for which direction your firearm is pointed at all times.

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This is the term for the end of a gun’s barrel. The muzzle is where the projectile exits the firearm.

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The description of a bullet which has expanded after penetration of the target to a mushroom or flower shape.

Mushroomed Bullet
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Modern Sporting Rifle.

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Any small-sized gun that fires a small caliber projectile that can fit in your hand (See Deringer).

Mouse Gun
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A moon clip is a flat ring-shaped or star-shaped piece of metal designed to hold multiple cartridges together for simultaneous insertion and extraction from a revolver cylinder.

Moon Clip
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The act of a cartridge not firing when an attempt to fire it is made, sometimes caused by bad ammunition or a damaged firearm.

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This describes the times when the primer in a cartridge fails to ignite and a bullet does not fire.

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A higher quality item used to increase accuracy, such as ammo and barrels, that are the most common improvements made to a firearm to improve accuracy for competitive use.

Match Grade
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A skilled shooter that has mastered precision shooting whether for competition or hunting.

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