Open Carrying Pros and Cons for Texas

In recent years, Texas has seen significant changes in its open carry laws, particularly with the introduction of House Bill 1927 in 2021. This guide aims to provide a detailed understanding of these laws, including who can carry, where you can carry, and the legal implications involved.

Legal Framework of Open Carry in Texas

Texas House Bill 1927, enacted on September 1, 2021, marked a major shift in the state's gun laws. Previously, Texans were required to have a permit to carry handguns openly or concealed. The new law allows most individuals aged 21 and over to carry a handgun without a permit, provided it is in a holster. This legislation builds on changes made in 2016, which first allowed open carry for permit holders.

Who Can Open Carry

To legally open carry in Texas, an individual must be at least 21 years old and not have any disqualifying criminal convictions or mental health adjudications. Specifically, those convicted of misdemeanor bodily assault, deadly conduct, terroristic threat, or disorderly conduct with a firearm within the last five years are prohibited from carrying a handgun. Additionally, individuals who are fugitives, have been declared mentally incompetent, or are unlawful users of controlled substances cannot open carry.

Holster Requirements

One of the key stipulations of the open carry law is that the handgun must be carried in a holster. Unlike previous regulations that specified shoulder or belt holsters, the current law is more flexible, allowing various types of holsters including waistband, pocket, ankle, and thigh holsters. This change offers greater convenience and comfort for gun owners.

Alien Gear Shapeshift Core Carry Pack Holster - 4 in 1 Holster, IWB, Appendix, OWB Paddle and OWB Belt Slide Included - Closed and Open Carry - Tuckable - Right or Left Hand Draw - Made in USA

The ShapeShift Core Carry Pack prioritizes comfort, discreetness, and functionality, making it an excellent choice for new gun owners and experienced carriers. Whether you need an IWB (inside-the-waistband) holster for closed carry or an OWB (outside-the-waistband) holster for open carry, this multi-product system allows you to discover your preferred carry style. Made in the USA.

Tool-Free Adjustability for Ultimate Convenience: Hassle-free adjustments without needing tools. Adjustable ride heights and cant.

Enhanced Comfort: Discover unparalleled comfort with the Core Carry Pack with its soft and breathable neoprene backer, fully covered trigger guard, passive retention and single mounting point . We offer four of the most common holster types including IWB, Appendix, OWB Slide, OWB Paddle.

160 HOLSTERS IN 1: Transform your holster with ShapeShift modular technology. This kit offers four primary carrying options (IWB, Appendix, Paddle, Belt Slide)

American Craftsmanship: Proudly made in the USA.

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Permissible Locations for Open Carry

In general, individuals may open carry handguns in most public spaces, such as streets, parks, and the Texas State Capitol. However, there are specific areas where open carry is restricted. Private property owners and businesses also have the right to prohibit firearms on their premises, provided they post appropriate signage. If asked to leave by a business owner, individuals must comply to avoid legal trouble.

Restricted Locations

There are several locations where open carry is explicitly prohibited, regardless of signage. These include:

Violating these restrictions can result in severe legal consequences, including criminal charges.

Special Considerations

Motor Vehicles and Watercraft: When carrying a handgun in a vehicle or boat, it must be in a holster and not in plain view. This rule aims to prevent alarm and ensure public safety. Exceptions are made for individuals who are "traveling," although the specific legal definition of this term can be complex and situational.

Security Personnel: Certain security officers are permitted to carry openly as part of their duties. Additionally, individuals may open carry on their own property or while engaged in lawful hunting or sporting activities.

Legal Implications and Penalties

Understanding the potential legal ramifications is crucial. Carrying a handgun while intoxicated, for instance, is classified as a Class A misdemeanor, which can lead to up to a year in jail and a fine of $4,000. Other common legal issues include carrying in prohibited areas and failing to comply with signage or verbal requests to leave a premises.

Defense Strategies

If charged with an open carry violation, several defenses might be applicable. These include:

  • Lack of Criminal Intent: Arguing that the individual did not knowingly, intentionally, or recklessly violate the law.
  • Property Ownership: Demonstrating that the handgun was carried on property owned or controlled by the individual.

A skilled defense attorney can provide crucial assistance in navigating these legal challenges.

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