LTC Renewal and Maintenance

As a gun owner in Texas, you understand the importance of keeping your License to Carry (LTC) up-to-date. In this article, we will explore the process of LTC renewal and maintaining your LTC, including requirements, fees, and deadlines.

The Texas License to Carry allows you to legally carry a handgun in Texas. It is valid for four years from the date of issuance. To maintain your LTC, you must renew it before it expires. Additionally, you must comply with maintenance requirements and report changes as necessary.

When to Renew Your Texas LTC

The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) recommends that you begin the renewal process at least six months before your current LTC expires. This will ensure that you have plenty of time to complete the process and receive your new license before your current one expires.

Eligibility for Texas LTC Renewal

To be eligible for Texas LTC renewal, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You currently hold a valid Texas LTC
  • Your LTC has not been expired for more than one year

Steps to Renew Your Texas LTC

The process of renewing your Texas LTC is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Submit your application online through the Texas DPS LTC website.
  2. Pay the renewal fee.
  3. Wait for your new LTC to arrive in the mail.

Texas LTC Renewal Fees

The renewal fee for a Texas LTC is $40. However, if you are over 60 years old or a veteran, the fee is $25.

What Happens if Your Texas LTC Expires?

If your Texas LTC expires, you have one year to renew it. After one year, you must start the application process over again as a new applicant, including taking the required training course.

Texas LTC Maintenance Requirements

To maintain your Texas LTC, you must comply with the following requirements:

  • Carry your LTC with you at all times when you are carrying a handgun.
  • Report changes to your personal information within 30 days, such as a change of address or name.

Reporting Changes to Your Texas LTC

If you have changes to your personal information, such as a change of address or name, you must report them to the Texas DPS within 30 days. This can be done during the renewal process, or at any time using the Texas DPS LTC website.  You can update your information online or by mail.

Texas LTC Replacement and Changes

If you lose your Texas LTC or need to make changes to it, such as updating your address or name, you can request a replacement card. The fee for a replacement card is $25.


Maintaining your Texas License to Carry is essential for legal gun ownership in Texas. Renewing your LTC before it

expires, complying with maintenance requirements, and reporting changes as necessary are all crucial steps to ensuring you can continue to legally carry a handgun in Texas. By following the renewal process and staying up-to-date with maintenance requirements, you can ensure that you are a responsible gun owner and a law-abiding citizen.

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