One of the best things about being a shooter in Texas is the availability of gun shows. You don't need to ask "Are there any gun shows near me this weekend?" - because the answer is usually Yes.  In the list of shows below, you can find everything from knives, to body armor, and of course - guns, gun parts, and ammunition.  There's no better way to celebrate our right to bear arms than a gun show. Find a wide selection of firearms and gear at a Texas Gun Show. Browse through vendors and dealers, discover new and used guns, ammo, and accessories. For concealed carry - it's a great place for handling a lot of firearms when you're looking for a new carry gun.

These events are an integral part of the Lone Star State's rich firearms culture, attracting enthusiasts from far and wide. But what's the key to a successful visit? In a word: etiquette. Take a deep dive into the dos and don'ts of navigating these fascinating events, ensuring you're well-prepared to make the most of your experience.  You'll find great tips on gun show etiquette below the events list.

Chances are good that you can find a gun show in Texas this weekend. This page is updated frequently with future gun show schedule, so check back often to find a show in your area!

Gun Show Etiquette

Respecting fellow attendees is crucial. Remember, everyone is there to share their passion for firearms, so treat others with courtesy. It's also essential to practice safe firearm handling. Always assume a gun is loaded, and never point it at anyone, even if you think it's unloaded. Familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations of each Texas gun show you attend, as these may vary from event to event.

What to Expect at the Door

Security is taken seriously at Texas gun shows.  When you walk in the door, you are greeted by police or other security personnel who are tasked with ensuring there are no loaded weapons in the event (none but their own). Once checked, your firearm is zip tied (or otherwise marked) as safe, and you are allowed to proceed to pay your entrance fee.  If you attempt to enter with ammunition, you will be turned away.  Just return your loaded magazines (or bullets) to your vehicle and try again.

Interacting with Vendors

When approaching a vendor, greet them politely and ask permission before handling any firearms on display. It's not just good gun show etiquette; it's a sign of respect for their property. Communication is key—ask questions and listen attentively to their answers. If you're interested in making a purchase, remain open to negotiation but avoid lowball offers. And remember, cash is king at gun shows, so be prepared to pay in this manner.

Safety Precautions and Guidelines

Transporting your firearms safely to and from Texas gun shows is vital. Secure them in a case or holster, and always follow range rules, whether you're at an indoor or outdoor event. If you spot suspicious activity or a potential safety hazard, report it to the event staff or security personnel immediately.

Common Misconceptions about Gun Shows

Don't be swayed by myths and misconceptions. For example, some people believe that background checks aren't required at gun shows, but the truth is that licensed dealers must still adhere to federal and state regulations. Do your research and be prepared, so you can focus on what really matters: enjoying the gun show experience.

If you have a License to Carry, you can speed up the process if the vendor uses the Texas LTC Alternative Permit Check.  This Texas LTC checker allows the vendor to quickly determine if your LTC is current and valid (not revoked).

Legal Considerations

Understanding the legal landscape is crucial when attending Texas gun shows. Federal and state regulations apply, so be prepared with proper identification and paperwork. Also, it's essential to know the difference between private sales and transactions involving a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL). Each carries its own set of rules and requirements.


So there you have it, folks: the ins and outs of gun show etiquette for Texas gun shows. By adhering to these guidelines, you'll not only ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, but you'll also show respect to your fellow firearms enthusiasts and vendors. Keep learning, stay curious, and may your passion for guns continue to flourish!


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