Serpa holsters have been a popular choice among gun owners for years, but they're also one of the most controversial holster options on the market. Some gun enthusiasts swear by them, while others have sworn them off completely. Why are Serpa holsters so divisive, and why do some people hate them? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the pros and cons of Serpa holsters and explore why some people choose to avoid them altogether.
In the realm of self-defense, the "21 Foot Rule" is a pivotal concept that has generated extensive debate and discussion. Originating from law enforcement training, this rule has significant implications for personal safety, particularly for those who carry firearms. This article aims to provide a comprehensive synthesis of the various perspectives and studies related to the 21 Foot Rule, offering a nuanced understanding of its application and limitations.
Read more: 21 Foot Rule: A Critical Distance in Self Defense
In a world that is increasingly unpredictable, the ability to be aware of one's surroundings and understand potential threats is not just a skill, but a necessity. This is where situational awareness comes into play. It is a key component of self-defense, allowing individuals to be prepared for unexpected situations. But what exactly is situational awareness, and how can it be applied in the context of License to Carry (LTC) training?
Read more: Situational Awareness: Your Secret Weapon in Self-Defense
In the face of an unthinkable event, such as an active shooter situation, knowledge is power. Understanding how to react can mean the difference between life and death. This article aims to equip you with the necessary knowledge, focusing on a strategy known as "Run, Hide, Fight."
Read more: Surviving an Active Shooter Situation: The Run, Hide, Fight Strategy
Drawing a concealed firearm quickly and efficiently while maintaining the element of surprise is a critical skill for any responsible concealed weapons permit holder. In self-defense situations, the ability to access your handgun without tipping off a potential threat can mean the difference between life and death. However, too many individuals inadvertently reveal their intentions through common concealment mistakes and unrefined draw technique.